Jean Yang 23rd Annual Lorne Proteomics Symposium 2018

Jean Yang

Jean Yang is Professor of Statistics at the School of Mathematics and Statistics. She is currently a NHMRC CDF Fellow and the theme leader for Integrative System and Modelling in the Charles Perkins Centre at University of Sydney. She was awarded the 2015 Moran Medal in statistics from the Australian Academy of Science in recognition of her work on developing methods for molecular data arising in cutting edge biomedical research. Her research has been at the interface between statistical methodology and the application of statistics to problems in contemporary biological and medical research. In the area of methods development, she has made contributions to the design and analysis of high throughput biotechnological data including that from microarrays, mass spectrometry, and next generation sequencing. In applications, much of her research is based on integrating multiple biotechnology types to better answer a variety of scientific questions. As a statistician who works in bioinformatics she enjoys research in a collaborative environment, working closely with scientific investigators from diverse backgrounds.

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